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The dream of Resurgence involves you.

We are a movement fueled by a passionate community yearning for revival. Join us as we create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit moves freely, the gospel is alive, and lives are radically changed. Be part of something bigger than yourself – a movement reaching beyond borders and impacting generations. Whatever your gifts or passions are, we want to make space for those gifts to flourish and thrive. We provide training for all of our volunteers and seek to create a community amongst us that truly feels like family.

Will you join us?


Our Media team focuses on capturing and creating engaging content by taking photos and videos, creating graphics, and assisting with production and tech (sound, ProPresenter, and livestream).


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Our Serve team focuses on creating a warm and welcoming environment by helping with food services, greeting attendees, setting the atmosphere, and cleaning up afterwards.


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Our Worship team is open to individuals of all skill levels and denominational backgrounds. We seek worship leaders and musicians to help with our Resurgence events, itinerant opportunities, and churches that need support in these areas.

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Prayer is the foundation of our ministry. Our prayer team provides leadership at our monthly Gather & Pray meetings as well as oversees the pre-service prayer and prayer ministry times at our Empower Nights and Worship Nights.

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Circle Facilitator

Our Circle Facilitators help facilitate conversations in a small group during our Empower Nights, helping to guide discussions and support attendees. Resources are provided.

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One of our core pillars at Resurgence is “Reach People.” Our Reach team oversees food outreaches in Edmonton’s inner city (2 per month), distribution of basic necessities to the homeless in our city, and provides training in evangelism and sharing the gospel.

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Want to volunteer, but not sure where you fit?

Spiritual gifts played an important role in the New Testament church and continue to be essential today. God gives every believer one or more spiritual gifts to build up others and accomplish His work to build His Kingdom.

Serving and spiritual gifts go hand in hand. To help you discover, develop, and use the spiritual gifts that God has given you, click the Spiritual Gifts Test button below.

Spiritual Gifts Test