Empower Team Night
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7:00pm
You are invited to join the Empower team!

Join us for an evening to learn more about Resurgence’s Empower Nights, an exciting new initiative launching this fall, and how you are invited to be a part of it!
When: May 28th, 2024 at 7:00pm
Where: Central Baptist Church Edmonton Southeast Campus
Here’s what to expect:
- Vision Casting: Hear from our leaders about Empower Nights, launching this fall.
- Worship and Prayer
- Interactive teaching and discussions on our core values and how they shape our approach to leadership and service.
- Serving Opportunities: Discover how you can contribute to Empower Nights through roles like Hospitality, Greeters, Media, Prayer, Worship, Discussion Facilitators, Curriculum Development, and more.
- Fellowship: Enjoy snacks and refreshments while building relationships with like-minded individuals and current volunteers.
We would love to have you on our Empower Nights team!
This is a free event. No registration is required.
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