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Daunavan Buyer

Associate Director, Edmonton

Daunavan's desire is to be a catalyst for a move of God in your context and help the people you lead walk in the fullness of who God has called you to be.

There has never been a greater time and need for a Resurgence of God's Spirit


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Daunavan carries a deep love for the Word of God and believes firmly in the power of God’s Word to transform people’s lives. Whenever he preaches, it is His desire to stir up hunger and passion in those who are listening. His preaching always includes a gospel message and a practical response, understanding that there may be some people in the room who are ready to say yes to Jesus.

He is passionate to speak about: Hearing God’s Voice, A life of Faith, Worship, Holy Spirit Empowerment and the importance of Community & Relationships. He is also trained to preach expository sermons on a text of your choosing.

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As a worship leader, Daunavan’s goal is to lead people to a place of glorifying Jesus. His worship sets are geared towards giving people a revelation of the goodness of God, so that the reality of who God is transforms their hearts as they worship. He is intentional with song choice and context, understanding the importance of the worship set for what God wants to do. He will work with your speaker or coordinator to make sure that the worship set serves the vision of the leadership.

He is able to lead for a variety of different denominations or styles by himself, with your musicians, or with a band from Resurgence. He loves leading worship in teams and empowering those around him to thrive.

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Daunavan’s teaching gift shines through in workshop settings. He believes that learning happen most effectively as people participate in what is being taught and are given opportunities to discuss in groups, participate and debrief shared experiences, and practically apply what is being taught in the moment.

Daunavan is equipped to run workshops on: Worship Leadership, Worship Band Practical (Electric & Acoustic Guitar) & Heart Topics, Leadership Development, Team Dynamics, Soul Care, and Pastoral Health and Wholeness.


Daunavan’s life has been marked by extraordinary miracles: from a near death experience with radical healing in his teens to God’s hand expressed in his everyday life. Whenever he preaches, he does so with the expectation that this type of experience is an expression of normal Christianity. Psalm 118:17 is his life verse: “I will not die, but I will live, and proclaim what God has done.” When he ministers, through preaching or worship leading, Daunavan desires to help bring people to a deeper understanding of the love of the Father, the gospel of Jesus, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He longs that all of the people he gets to minister to would be transformed by an encounter with God. His story and teaching gift has opened many doors to speak and lead worship at camps, conference, churches, and leadership groups across Western Canada.

Daunavan is ordained by the North American Baptists and has his Masters of Missional Leadership from Rochester College in Michigan. He also has a worship arts diploma from Columbia Bible College and Bachelor of Theology from Vanguard College. He was a Young Adults & Worship Pastor for 8 years before beginning his role with Resurgence. His teaching combines deep Biblical truth with a desire to be led by and encounter the Holy Spirit. He is currently participating in the Arrow Leadership Program and has a deep desire for lifelong learning.

Daunavan is married to Kirsten (since 2010) and they have 2 children: Ava & Daniel. Together, the Buyer family wants to embody what it means to live in continuous revival – believing that God wants to be a part of every area of their lives. Daunavan has a deep love for music, coffee, sports, and reading.

Daunavan would love to serve you! He would be honored to serve your church, camp, conference, worship nights or outreach events in any possible way. To book Daunavan, fill out the invite form below.


Passion for Jesus! It only takes a few moments around Daunavan to be lifted, even ignited, by his very evident and unwavering desire to spend his life in the service of our Lord! It does not take much longer to discover how Daunavan routinely translates that contagious commitment in how he leads worship as well as cares for colleagues in ministry, using the gifts and experience that God has entrusted to him.

Terry FossenRegional Minister, Alberta Baptist Association

I’ve journeyed with Daunavan for many years. Daunavan’s longing is to be exactly where God would call him to serve for the glory of God. His longing to be serving the whole Bride of Christ is especially refreshing in a season of what could be seen as narcissism breeding throughout the local church. It’s time for Resurgence.
In His farewell discourse, Jesus says,
“If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” John 13:17.
It is a pleasure to be influenced by Daunavan as he lives out the blessing.

Dan SchrothLead Team Pastor, McKernan Baptist Church Edmonton

It has been my joy to minister alongside Daunavan in many different ways over many years. He is a man with a soft heart, a commitment to the Scriptures, a deep openness to the Holy Spirit, and significant gifting in teaching, worship and prayer. I have been personally impacted by him countless times in ways that have deepened my walk with Jesus Christ.

Jeremy PutzLead Pastor, Central Baptist Church Edmonton

Daunavan joined our event, minister alongside our team with humility, adaptability, creativity and a commitment to serve us. Though he provided excellent musical leadership, he also brought a deep commitment to what the Spirit was doing in our church, a genuine concern for the team, and an energy and vitality to the weekend that was so welcome. Daunavan leads with a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in everything he does: prayer, song, encouragement, and prophetic word. Daunavan was a gift to me, our team, and all those in attendance and I am grateful for Resurgence’s mandate to serve local churches in this way.

Sheleena BoulianneWorship Pastor - Stony Plain Alliance Church

Daunavan led worship for us last Thanksgiving. He brought a refreshing energy and compelling ability to lead worship that was easy and enjoyable for our volunteers and congregation to follow. Daunavan has also organized and planned a training event for our guitar players, teaching them essential hands-on skills while aiming people's hearts towards God in a posture of worship.

Zac HayashiWorship Pastor - West Meadows Baptist Church

What a blessing Daunavan has been to me personally and to the local church that I get to be part of! The Lord has gifted Him big-time as a pastor and leader. Whether he’s teaching the Word or leading worship or praying with people, Daunavan’s heart for Jesus comes out so clearly. I am so thankful for his ministry and the way the Lord is using him to mobilize His church in this city!

Jon PutzExecutive Pastor, Central Baptist Church Edmonton

We have been so blessed to have had Daunavan speak into the lives of our campers and staff teams. We so appreciate the energy and enthusiasm he brings, alongside years of meaningful experience and a firm biblical background.

Tony EngelerDirector of Camps and Retreats, Camp Caroline

I met Daunavan Buyer many years ago. I immediately loved his passion for Jesus and his ability to lead people in worship. Since that time we have connected through Resurgence and in worship and prayer gatherings in the capital region. Daunavan continues to have an incredible impact on ministry and church leaders everywhere. I am delighted for every opportunity to work together with him.

Rick VanDewarkFounding Pastor, C3 Church Edmonton



Daunavan Buyer


Worship Leading
Life Church, Edmonton, April 30, 2023
Worship Leading
Resurgence Edmonton Gathering January 2023
"The Jesus Way - The Road that Leads to Life" at Central Baptist Church August 2022
"A Community of Faith" at Terwillegar Community Church May 2022


Feb. 2-8, 2025
EveryONE Thailand Planning Meetings
Bangkok, Thailand
March 1, 2025
Men's Breakfast (Worship)
West Meadow Baptist Church, Edmonton, AB



Daunavan Buyer

Invite Daunavan to Speak

Daunavan is eager to support you and your ministry in every possible capacity. He does not adhere to a fixed rate or cost, as his desire is to serve. However, since all honorariums and offerings all contribute to Resurgence Initiatives, which is his primary vocation, he kindly asks that you consider providing any gift or love offering you can afford. Your generosity will help in advancing the mission of Resurgence by reaching people, reviving churches, and releasing leaders. Please fill out the form below to let us know how Daunavan can assist and participate in the work of God within your church or event during this season.