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As we celebrate what God has done, and is doing, join us in sowing into the incredible future of Resurgence…

An Opportunity to build the Future of Resurgence...

Would you help us?

Intercessors Committed to Praying Weekly for Resurgence
New (or increased current) Monthly Financial Partners
in Donations to fund our call to impacts Leaders.

15 years ago, a divine calling was placed upon a dedicated team of individuals, a calling encapsulated in the word “Resurgence.” Back then, we couldn’t fathom the full scope of what God had in store for us. But from our very first prayer meeting, it was clear that this journey was about empowering individuals to lead a Spirit-filled life in every day of their lives.

Our journey began with a gathering in downtown Edmonton. Five years later, we evolved from a mere gathering to a ministry, complete with a full-time staff member and others who joined us later. Our mission was unambiguous: to touch lives (Reach People), breathe new life into churches (Revive Churches), and nurture the leaders of tomorrow (Release Leaders). This paved the way for Resurgence to host monthly gatherings in Edmonton (just under 200 and counting), as well as retreats, tours, conferences, and a closely-knit community of like-minded individuals. This community became the crucible where resources were forged to fortify and equip.

Yet, we soon discovered that Resurgence was never meant to remain confined to Edmonton…God had more in store. Our mandate extended beyond, encompassing Canada and the nations. Opportunities emerged for our team to minister across the country, including journeys to Canada’s Arctic. Additionally, global doors continued to swing open for us.

Now, 15 years later, we find ourselves celebrating what God has accomplished. But we must acknowledge that some of the most profound impacts are occurring right now. In the past two years, God has laid upon our hearts a new mandate: to raise, influence, and unleash leaders. What kind of leaders, you might ask? Leaders across all spheres of influence, within the church, and in evangelism. Doors have flung wide open for us at the global tables of major unity movements and denominations, all with the aim of unifying together to reach people and raise leaders & evangelists.

Invitations to speak, mentor, and guide pastors have been pouring in from across Canada. In addition, we launched a podcast six months ago with the intent of nurturing and empowering leaders in every sphere of influence. The first 12 episodes have reached audiences in 27 countries and 120 cities and towns across North America. In fact, the “Spirit Empowered Leader Podcast” recently achieved the remarkable ranking of #14 on Apple in Canada for Religious Podcasts. The momentum keeps building, with Season 2 currently in the works and influential global leaders asking to be part of the journey.

Why do we share all of this with you? Because we believe that God is opening a new sphere of influence for Resurgence, one that allows us to expand our resources and efforts to impact leaders more profoundly. They say a nation rises or falls based on its leaders, and we believe the same holds true for the Church. Never before have leaders needed a resurgence, and never before have we needed to gather, equip, disciple, and train leaders as urgently as we do now. We believe God is speaking to us and positioning us uniquely to make a large impact in this area, but we need your help.

In celebration of our 15-year milestone, we are daring to dream boldly and asking for your assistance in this new focus and emphasis. Will you help us become a movement that not only impacts lives but also multiplies through leadership, multiplying through the nurturing of leaders?

To realize this vision, we are making three requests by the end of 2023:

  1. Intercessors: We are seeking 75 individuals committed to praying weekly for the ministry of Resurgence. Prayer has been our bedrock and the shield that has enabled us to achieve fruitful ministry impacts.
  2. Monthly Financial Partners: The ministry of Resurgence thrives through the generous contributions of individuals like you. We aim to find 15 new monthly financial partners willing to stand alongside Resurgence in this season.
  3. $100,000: God has placed on our hearts the goal of raising $100,000 to amplify Resurgence’s efforts in impacting leaders. Forty percent will be allocated to funding missions targeting global leaders, including a Pastors’ Conference in El Salvador in January and two other global leadership events already in the works. Thirty-five percent will be used to create new resources and mentorship programs for training and equipping leaders. Twenty-three percent will fortify our existing infrastructure and ministry efforts, including the podcast and future media-based initiatives.

We’ve reached this 15-year milestone because of the unwavering support, prayers, and contributions from so many. It would be easy to rest on our success, but we believe that great faith is required to take Resurgence where God is leading us. We sense His leading.  While we may not have all the answers, specifics or details, we’ve proven ourselves as faithful stewards over 15 years, and we trust that God will multiply our reach and impact.

We need your help. Would you consider becoming an intercessor, a monthly partner (or increasing your current contribution), or making a significant financial contribution to Resurgence to help us achieve our $100,000 goal by December 2023?

This dream includes you. It’s a call to multiply, and we believe that the future of the Church hinges on it.

Travis Holownia
Executive Director
Resurgence Initiatives Society


“I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore” Genesis 22:17

Would you help us?

Intercessors Committed to Praying Weekly for Resurgence
New (or increased current) Monthly Financial Partners
in Donations to fund our call to impacts Leaders.

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